Personal Finance for Canadians for Dummies
Personal Finance For Canadians For Dummies, 4th Edition, continues to guide readers on the road to financial independence by giving them the tools they need to create and achieve their financial goals. This best-selling book uses a friendly, plain English approach to help readers determine their financial net worth, match their resources to their short- and long-term goals, select investments that maximize returns within the risk-comfort level of the investor, save for retirement, and buy insurance that adequately protects against loss of life, livelihood, and property. Updated in the 4th Edition: Taxes: Tax rules, regulations, and rates have all changed dramatically since the last edition. The new edition outlines what these changes mean for you and your investments. RRSPs, RESPS, and RRIFs: These programs, as usual, have been the subject of continual changes, and the 4th edition will keep readers up to date with the latest developments. Insurance: The insurance landscape in Canada has been evolving. The new edition looks at the new players coming onto the scene, the different products, rules, and accounts introduced, and pricing changes. Investment Recommendations: From discount brokerages to specific mutual funds, the recommendations will all be revised for the new edition. Resources: The new edition will offer a revised listing of online, print, and broadcast resources.
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